Annex 3 – Cooperation with UK TSOs

On 31 December 2020, the United Kingdom (‘UK’) officially left the European Union (“EU”) with a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (“TCA”) signed on the same date.

The TCA foresees that:

  • ENTSO-E and the UK TSOs shall prepare under the guidance of the Specialised Committee on Energy a framework for cooperation not involving, or conferring a status comparable to, membership in ENTSO-E by UK TSOs;
  • EU and UK TSOs shall prepare technical procedures once requested by the Specialised Committee on Energy.

As a result, ENTSO-E and the UK TSOs elaborated in 2021 – with the guidance of the EC and the UK Government – Working Arrangements (WAs) setting out an efficient and inclusive framework for cooperation. The Working Arrangements were finalised and submitted for approval to the EC and the UK Government in early July 2021.

EU TSOs and UK TSOs have also been working in 2021 at the request of the parties to the TCA on the elaboration of technical procedures on (i) Multi-Regional Loose Volume Coupling and (ii) Capacity Calculation. The work on technical procedures is still ongoing.


ENTSO-E Annual Report 2021

This Annual Report covers the period January to December 2021. It focuses on the legal mandates given to ENTSO-E and on the Pan European All TSOs tasks, facilitated by ENTSO-E. The activities covered in this report were performed thanks to the 42 members of ENTSO-E who provide its financial resources and whose staff provides expertise to the Association.


  1. System Operation
  2. Market
  3. System Development
  4. Transparency Regulation
  5. Research, Development and Innovation
  6. Cybersecurity, Interoperability and Data
  7. TSO–DSO partnership and demand side flexibility
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